Professional translations, apostille and international legal documentation

CidadanITA: the best solution to all your international needs

Certified professional translations, affidavits and apostilles

CidadanITA offers a wide range of specialised services for all your translation and legal documentation needs. target languages include Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German and English. All our services are provided by native speakers.

Certified and sworn translations are necessary when Italian documents are to be used abroad or when, vice versa, a public document issued abroad needs be used in Italy with official value.

Recognition and enforcement of Italian acts and judgments abroad and foreign ones in Italy

Document legalisation services include, for countries that have signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, the apostille - a certification that authenticates the origin of public documents intended to be presented in another state. 

Our team of qualified professionals is ready to handle your document translation and legalisation needs to ensure that you effectively meet the challenges of international communication.

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